
What tips should you be aware of while walking your dog?

•Take it slowly after a painful experience or a scary one
In getting him to walk again, there's no particular speed, watch his body language and match your pace to his so, if he stops again, you’ll know it and you can encourage him to keep going on again after a few moments.

•Make sure he knows what you are aiming to
dogs may not understand what you’re asking them to do. Why do you want him to move after he’s been sitting? Why are we suddenly going right when he wants to go left? If he doesn’t know what you’re asking, you’ll need to teach him

•Be kind more than firm
No matter how hot or cold the weather, or how embarrassed or frustrated you’re with his refusal to walk, make sure to be always kind. Keep your voice firm but gentle and loving, so he doesn’t feel that he’s bad or in trouble.

•Differentiate between fear and detecting severe anxiety
If your dog is afraid of skateboards or hates walking by big crowds or loud sounds, simply turn around and walk the other way. You should not force him to walk by things you know he hates. While you’re probably not going to be able to keep your dog from every scary thing, it is okay to try to minimize exposure.

When working through fear, reactivity, and other issues, don’t try to teach him any other tricks or commands. Work with your pet slowly to build confidence, and before you know it, you’ll be strutting around like you own the sidewalk!

If your pet is dealing with severe anxiety, don’t try to self-diagnose, we recommend finding a certified trainer who uses positive reinforcement and fear-free methods to help. He will be able to help you customize a plan to get your dog walking confidently! 

You will need to continue to practice the skills your trainer shows you. The issues will still take time to fix, and you’ll need to work with your dog consistently to see improvement. 

Be patient and work with your trainer, it’s okay, to be honest about setbacks. Your trainer is there to help

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