
The Magical Solution that will make Your Pet Moves?

Yummy Treats is your solution For Moving Your Pet

Whatever the reason that your dog doesn’t move, yummy treats is the solution:

To avoid dog un-packing, bring his favorites with you on a walk, can get his attention right away, and should help get him moving again, the goal of this exercise is to get your dog up and willing to move forward, which builds confidence. Studies have shown giving dogs choices and allowing them to choose is just as reinforcing as treats.

Treat when you see behaviors you like, as walking through a crowd, not pulling, or even staying calm while a bike or skateboard goes by, reward them at the moment. If you do this consistently, you’ll help your dog understand what to do on a walk.

• Scary things vs. treats: (pairing treats with something scary, well, makes things less scary)

1. Either using super yummy treats in a trail past the scary thing will really help. Your dog to eat the treats while keeping eye on the monster. But he’s moved by himself, which is a big step forward!

2. Or Introduce 2 or 3 things odd in your home, such as the vacuum (usually freak dogs out). Practice each step 10 times and then move on to the next one. If your dog becomes frightened, take 1 to 2 steps back, Click and treat when your dog looks at the scary object., then go to the next step click and treat when your dog walks over to the scary thing. Usually, after a few sessions, dogs will try to touch the scary thing with craned necks, wide eyes click and treat this behavior, your dog will exude confidence as He successfully defeated the monster, we call this building confidence.

There are many ways the dog walking can differ from breed to breed, so always keep this in mind and do what is best for your dog, some breeds need special training to obedience you.

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